Teaching Experience

I have taught classes at Iowa State University, the State University of New York at Buffalo, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of California, Riverside, Riverside Community College, Austin Community College, and South University. Here are some notable teaching opportunities I have experienced:

• I served as teaching assistant for three courses in the Department of Undergraduate Studies at UT Austin. These courses are interdisciplinary courses taught by senior faculty and required for all freshmen at the university. In conjunction with this experience, I earned a Certificate in First-Year Interdisciplinary Teaching from UT Austin.

• I was a faculty member for the inaugural year of the UT Austin College of Liberal Arts Pre-College Experience Program, an intensive summer program in which advanced high school students stayed in residence at UT Austin and earned college credit.

• At UC Riverside, with the support of my department chair, I proposed, got approval for, and taught a new senior-level course in the Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality. The class was very popular and successful and is still in the course offerings in the department at Riverside.

• I served as teaching assistant in one course for students in the Plan II Honors Program at UT Austin, in addition to working with and mentoring Honors students multiple semesters.

• Three times I served as mentor with the UT Austin Intellectual Entrepreneurship Program. This program allows graduate students to mentor undergraduates individually or in small groups. Through this program, I ran independent studies in diverse areas of philosophy and also gave my mentees experience in what it is like to be a grad student in philosophy. I had them attend graduate seminars, departmental colloquia, submit papers to undergraduate conferences and journals, and (because all of my mentees were women) had them meet privately with female grad students or junior female faculty to discuss the challenges women uniquely face in philosophy grad school.

• I worked with my dean, department chair, and faculty from another department on a program to increase racial representation and retention in the Honors program at ACC.

• I have had extensive experience teaching and advocating for ethnically diverse student bodies in southern California and Texas, including racial/ethnic minority students, non-traditional students, first-generation Americans, LGBTQ+ students, veterans and active duty police and military, students with children/primary caregivers, and survivors of stalking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. More recently, I have served on the Committee on Women and Minorities in Philosophy at SUNY Buffalo, chairing that committee for one year.

Here are some of the courses I have taught before or will teach shortly:

Fall 2024 (Iowa State University)

Spring 2023 (SUNY Buffalo - mix of asynchronous online and in-person classes)

Fall 2022 (SUNY Buffalo - mix of asynchronous online and in-person classes)

Spring 2022 (SUNY Buffalo - mix of asynchronous online and in-person classes)

Fall 2021 (SUNY Buffalo - mix of asynchronous online and in-person classes)

Spring 2021 (SUNY Buffalo - mix of synchronous and asynchronous online courses)

Fall 2020 (SUNY Buffalo - all asynchronous online courses)

Spring 2020 (SUNY Buffalo)

Fall 2019 (SUNY Buffalo)

Spring 2019 (Austin Community College)

  • Ethics - Hybrid Course
  • * This course is a hybrid methodology course, meaning that 50% of the in-class course instruction is replaced with online instruction or alternative on-line assignments
  • Ethics

Fall 2018 (Austin Community College)

  • Ethics of Immigration
  • * This course was to be a hybrid course paired with a section of Intro to Composition in the English department. Succeeding in both sections would guarantee a student membership in the Honors program. Unfortunately, due to low enrollment, the class was removed from the Fall 2018 course offerings.

Spring 2018 (Austin Community College)

Fall 2017 (Austin Community College)

Spring 2017 (Austin Community College)

Summer 2009 (University of California, Riverside)

Spring 2009 (University of California, Riverside)

In addition to these courses, below are some courses I have prepped and would be eager to teach if given the opportunity.

Finally, here are some ideas for graduate seminars I might teach: